Sunday, September 4, 2011

It has been two months? Really?

I haven't written in a while.  A little because what is going here isn't that different from what everyone else does and a little because I have have been so busy trying to get settled into a non temporary state.  The last time I wrote, my mother was here and Ray was traveling.  Though I don't think I told to many people that he was gone.  But he had a 3 week stretch of being away and he enjoyed it very much.  Oh don't get me wrong, he didn't enjoy being away from us but he did enjoy going to visit my Grandpa in Miami and then also going to Lima Peru and Brasilia Brazil.  I know he has such a tough life.  He did bring us back things from Peru and promised next time he goes he will bring us!!  Brasilia, he said was very neat, and from all his accounts Brazil is just another entity all its own.   From what he tells me we will be going to all go there too.  But at the rate we are going in getting settled that won't be any time soon.

We've been pushed and pulled along the housing situation for 2 months now.  It is getting very old and I have to get use to being in this hotel for another 2 months.  They did tell us when we arrived to expect 2-4 months in a hotel.  Of course we are at the later end of that.  It is alright in some ways because our household goods will not arrive for another month.  So what is the point in moving into some place without our things!  Also what ever I end up will be nice, I mean I have made living in a hotel room an art form and we now call it home.  I have even started to entertain, well ok, if you call having 3 year olds over for mac'n'cheese entertaining!  But still.  The one great thing though is that I have a much better idea of where I want to be.  So we are moving forward with a couple of second tier options but I am on the hard hunt for EXACTLY what I want.  Even if I don't get what I want, I will make it a wonderful home and hey, by the time we actually move in we will have to move out a year later!

It just makes you realize how everything in life is temporary.   It is all a moment in time and I guess you just have to look for the positive in that moment.  I write it to remind myself to do it!  Seriously though what am I going to do when I have to clean for myself? :-D

Trifon did start school a couple of weeks ago and he is very much a changed child.  I couldn't have kept him home in the hotel room while waiting to find out where we were going to end up so I found him a nice Montessori program.  There is one lady there who speaks English but everyone else is Spanish only.     I also asked the school to make sure that everyone in Trifon's class is spanish only, just in case another english speaker be around.  I am a mean mommy that way.  But he seems to be adjusting very well and every day he comes home with a new word or phrase.  In fact yesterday he corrected my spanish as we walked.  He said "no mommy, it is BBuenos Dias, not benos dias".  Hey I am ok with that since I need all the help I can get.

I too started school.  Well spanish classes.  It is so very helpful and every day I am more and more confident in my ability to use the language.  I have so much respect for bilingual people.  Maybe some day I can call myself one of them.

So it has been two months almost exactly since we have moved here and I think about all that we have done in those two months. There is no reason to get frustrated by my current situation, because it has been amazing!  All the things we have accomplished as a family are amazing to me and I know we are blessed.

Love to you all!


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